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4/17/2023 - Bethany Orange Woodbridge Drug and Alcohol Action Committee: Drug Take Back Day and Ride For Hope 2023


The DEA’s National Drug Take Back Day will be held on Saturday, April 22nd from 10:00am-2:00pm at High Plains Community Center, 525 Orange Center Road in Orange. All unused/unwanted/expired medications will be taken (including liquids, sharps, and pet medications). Volunteers from the National Pharmacy Association will be on site to answer any questions, along with the Orange Police Department and CERT.


Bethany, Orange, Woodbridge Drug & Alcohol Action Committee (BOWDAAC) has joined together with West Haven Prevention Council (WHPC) and Milford Prevention Council (MPC) to host the 11th annual Ride for Hope charity motorcycle ride for the prevention of youth substance use and overdose awareness, on Sunday, June 11, 2023.
Last year, more than 108,000 people were lost to overdose in the United States. We need your help to break the cycle and change the narrative!
The Ride will begin and end at the Woodruff Family YMCA in Milford and includes lunch catered by Lasse’s Restaurant, 50/50, raffle prizes, and more! 

In addition, we have multiple sponsorship opportunities. With your support, we can continue our community outreach, and educate our children on overdose awareness, underage drinking, vaping, and substance use prevention.

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